Saturday, December 20, 2008

Merry Christmas!

On a final note Luke has been a little sick. I took him to the ER last Sunday his temperature was really high. They told us he had RSV, it's like a really bad bronchitis and it looked like he had pneumonia. They sent us home with some antibiotics and breathing treatment, well on Thursday he didn't seem to be any better. When I took him back to the doctor Luke had developed 2 ear infections so they decided to admit him to the hospital. After a night of fluids and antibiotics he looked better. He didn't much like just having to lay in bed but once he found out how to work the bed he was having a good ole time. He's feeling much better now hopefully he will be 100% by Christmas.

This is Luke's picture from school. We had some professional ones done but they are not ready yet.

We actually ventured out on black Friday, my first. Luke took a ride in a train in the mall he loved it.

Oh wow I'm so slow about updating this. Well we haven't been too busy since Halloween just trying to get some fun Christmas things in. First off I took Luke up to see the trains at Northpark and he loved them. This is him drinking a smoothie after the first trip. And then we went back when aunt Meggan visited.