Thursday, October 1, 2009

The State of our Lives

Ok here are some pictures of our on going kitchen renovation that started last Saturday. You will see some before pictures and some with everything ripped out, can't say it's much worse than it was before:). I must s...ay though babies and home renovations do not mix. Marshall and I have a small space left on my bed where we camp out till the contractors leave. It's a little crazy right now but hopefully soon it will all come together. I will keep adding pictures as progress is being made.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Summer fun

Well I can't believe Marshall is already 6 weeks old. He is growing like a weed, I'm sure he weights over 10 lbs now. Meggan came to visit a couple of weeks ago and took Luke to the pool which he loved. Luke is such a water bug! Luke also enjoys all the baby stuff around and loves to play like he has a baby.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Family Photos

Thought I would share a few family pics. Enjoy.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Marshall Gregory Garthoff Has Arrived

Just wanted to share with everyone that Marshall was born May 16th at 8:45pm after only 5hrs of labor, and with the help of a few drugs (love them). He was 6lbs 5oz and 19 inches long this is exactly the same that Luke was. Well here are some pics and I must say Luke is handling this very well he loves it even.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Luke's cousins came up for a visit this last weekend and although the weather was a little on the wet side they still had a blast. Luke copies everything his big cousin Wyatt does!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Just wanted everyone to know Luke is in big boy undies now. We started potty training last Monday. He is doing pretty good, he tells us most of the time when he has to go. He has an accident here and there when he is too busy playing or watching a movie he has seen 10 million times. Here's a pic in his cars undies.

Sunday, February 15, 2009